The lunar eclipse is visible in India from 9.20 pm to 2.20 am including both the penumbra phase and partial phase. This eclipse has been no exception and in fact temple gurus and whats app message has requested all to eat before 7.00pm to 8.20 pm(varies) and to place “Dharbai” ( holy grass) in water and food items. These superstitious beliefs has gone from bad to worse over the years.

In 1995 when total solar eclipse occurred I had written a letter in the Indian express and the hyper link is given aside.   Inspite of Yasphal sharma’s lecture and interview then, things have not yet reached the people. Now many Google search sites have also fallen a prey to these superstitious beliefs. God save the people!

NB: India would be unfortunate not to witness Total solar eclipse on 21 08 17.